Workers' Compensation Insurance for Your Nanny


Do Nannies Need Workers' Compensation Insurance?

As a nanny, your job involves taking care of someone else's children and with kids comes unpredictability. Accidents and injuries can happen, even if you take every precaution.

That's why many families and nannies choose to invest in workers' compensation insurance.

Workers' comp insurance provides coverage for work-related accidents and illnesses. If you hurt yourself on the job, say you trip on a toy and sprain your ankle, or catch the flu from one of the kids you watch, workers' comp can help pay for your medical bills and lost wages.

For families, workers' comp protects them too. Without it, if a nanny gets injured while working, the family could potentially be liable for costs.

Workers' comp shifts that burden, so families don't have to worry about high medical bills if an accident occurs.

To get workers' comp insurance, you'll need to go through an insurance broker or agent in your state. They can walk you through the application process, discuss options, and help you find a policy that meets your needs.

For any job, workers' comp provides essential protection. And for nannies, it's especially important.

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How to Get Workers' Comp Insurance for Nannies

As the nanny's employer, you are responsible for providing this coverage. Here are the steps to get workers' comp insurance for your nanny:

  • Check your state's requirements. Each state has its own rules about workers' comp insurance for domestic employees like nannies. Some states mandate coverage, while in others it is optional. Know the laws in your state.

  • Compare insurance options. You can buy a workers' comp policy from private insurance companies or state agencies. Compare quotes from different providers to get the best rate. A typical policy may cost around $200 to $500 per year for a nanny.

  • Provide nanny's information. When purchasing a policy, you will need to provide details about your nanny and their job duties. This includes their name, address, salary, job title and a basic job description. Make sure you and your nanny agree on appropriate wording to describe their childcare responsibilities.

  • Pay any necessary premiums. You will need to pay policy premiums to keep the coverage active. 

  • Keep records of coverage. Keep records of your workers' comp policy details, payments, and other documents in case of a claim. 

  • Report any claims promptly. If your nanny is injured on the job, report the incident to your insurance provider right away. Delaying reporting or providing inaccurate information can jeopardize your nanny's ability to receive benefits. 

Following these steps will ensure your nanny has the coverage they need in case of work-related injuries or illnesses. Workers' comp insurance provides you both peace of mind and financial protection.

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Nanny Workers' Compensation Insurance FAQs

Here are some common questions about nanny workers’ compensation insurance.

1. What exactly is workers’ compensation insurance?

Workers’ comp insurance provides wage replacement and medical benefits to employees who are injured or become ill on the job.

2. Is workers’ compensation insurance required for nannies?

In most states, any employer with domestic workers or nannies is required to carry workers’ comp insurance. However, some states exempt very small employers (3 or fewer employees) from this requirement.

3. How much does nanny workers’ compensation insurance cost?

Premiums for nanny workers’ comp insurance vary significantly based on factors like:

  • Your nanny’s wages and number of hours worked

  • The type of work your nanny performs

  • Your nanny’s age and experience

  • Your state of residence

You can expect to pay between $200 to $500 per year for a typical nanny. The insurance company will determine your precise rate based on the details of your nanny’s job.

4. Where can I buy nanny workers’ compensation insurance?

You have a few options for purchasing nanny workers’ comp insurance:

  • A nanny payroll service like HomeWork Solutions or HomePay. They offer affordable workers’ comp insurance policies as an add-on.

  • An insurance broker who specializes in nanny and domestic employer coverage. They can compare rates from multiple insurers to find a good deal.

  • Direct from an insurance company like State Farm, Liberty Mutual or Travelers. Contact them for a quote on nanny workers’ compensation insurance.

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