Hemp Insurance 101: Protecting Your Cannabis Investment


Introduction to Hemp Insurance

If you've invested in a hemp or CBD business, you need to protect your investment. Hemp insurance, specifically designed for the cannabis industry, helps shield you from risks like crop failure, theft, fire or accidents.

Hemp crop insurance works similar to traditional crop insurance, covering loss or damage to your crop. Since hemp is still a Schedule I substance under federal law, crop insurance is currently unavailable.

However, some private insurers offer coverage. You'll want to consider factors like your location, climate, strains grown, and coverage levels.

Business insurance protects your buildings, equipment, inventory, and liability. Look for a carrier experienced with the cannabis industry, as it can be riskier.

Vehicle insurance is also important for transporting hemp and CBD products. Standard auto policies typically don’t cover cannabis transport, so you’ll want a commercial policy that specifically includes it.

As the hemp and cannabis industry matures, more insurance options are becoming available. But for now, do your research to find companies that understand the unique risks of the hemp industry and can provide coverage tailored to your needs.

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Types of Hemp Insurance Policies

When it comes to protecting your hemp business, there are a few options for hemp insurance coverage. The policies you choose will depend on your specific needs and risks.

1. Property insurance

Property insurance covers damage to or loss of company property like buildings, equipment, and inventory.

For hemp businesses, this may include coverage for things like:

  • Growing equipment

  • Irrigation systems

  • Processing equipment

  • Finished hemp products

Property insurance protects you in the event of events like fire, theft, vandalism or natural disasters.

2. Product liability insurance

As a hemp product manufacturer or retailer, product liability insurance covers claims from customers who experience harm, injury or damage from using your products. This type of policy protects you from potentially catastrophic lawsuits in the event your product causes unintentional harm.

3. Crop insurance

For hemp cultivators, crop insurance protects you from financial losses related to events like drought, disease, pests or other issues that damage your crop. Crop insurance provides coverage for the potential loss of your hemp plants and the income you would gain from selling them.

4. Business interruption insurance

Business interruption insurance covers loss of income if your business is shut down due to an event like a fire or natural disaster.

This policy can help cover operating expenses and lost revenue during the period your business is not operational.


Protecting your hemp investment requires comprehensive coverage across these types of policies. Work with an insurance agent familiar with the hemp industry to determine the right package of hemp insurance for your unique business needs.

With the proper coverage in place, you'll have peace of mind knowing your business and livelihood are protected.

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FAQs About Hemp Insurance

Here are some commonly asked questions about insuring your hemp crop.

What kinds of policies are available?

There are a few types of insurance for hemp growers:

  • Crop insurance covers damage from events like drought, disease, and pests. It's subsidized by the USDA.

  • Property insurance protects structures, equipment, and plants from perils like fire, wind, and hail.

  • Liability insurance shields you from the costs of lawsuits in case of injury on your farm.

  • Transport insurance covers hemp in transit to processors or retailers.

How much does hemp insurance cost?

Premiums vary depending on factors like:

  • The value of your crop and equipment

  • Your location and growing conditions

  • The coverage and limits you choose

You can expect to pay between 2 to 10% of the total value you want to insure. The exact rate will depend on the insurance company.

Can I get insurance if I’m a small grower?

Yes, insurance is available for hemp farms of all sizes. However, as a smaller operation, your options may be more limited. Some companies focus specifically on large-scale industrial hemp.

Do I need special licensing or permits for hemp insurance?

In most states, you will need proper licensing and permits to legally grow hemp. The requirements vary in each state, so check with your local agriculture department. Having the proper licenses and permits in place will make you eligible for hemp crop insurance and shows insurance companies you are operating legally.

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